I wish to invite you to work with me on promoting your products through artistic photographs.
I have been organizing photoshoots for many years, I have a personal studio, my own dedicated assistant photographer and great knowledge of places for outdoor photoshoots for various styles to produce a quality photographs.
I often work with corsets and create matching accessories to bring out the best from the creations I am wearing.
I also create short promotional movies of the photoshoot and the photos are present on my many social media that I run.
Feel free to contact me on absentia.veil@gmail.com
Some of the brands I worked with:
Askasu: www.askasudesign.com
Alice Corsets: www.alicecorsets.com
Aeternum Nocturne Gothic Jewelry: www.nocturnegothicjewelry.com
Attitude Holland: www.attitudeholland.nl
Black Milk: www.blackmilkclothing.com
Burleska Corsets: www.burleska.co.uk
Dark in Closet: www.darkincloset.com
Dark in Love: www.darkinlove.com
Devil Inspired: www.devilinspired.com
Devil Night: www.devilnight.co.uk
Eternally Thirsty: www.facebook.com/eternallythirsty
Equinox Jewelry & Accessories: www.etsy.com/shop/VictoriaEquinox
Fangahra Corsets: fangahra.net
Faun Forge: www.faun-forge.com
Henna Hygge: www.hennahygge.pl
Killstar: www.killstar.com
Maria Heller Designs: www.etsy.com/shop/MariaHellerDesigns
M'era Luna Festival: www.meraluna.de
Mystic Thread: www.mysticthread.com
Moriel Corsetry: www.morielcorsetry.com
Orchard Corset: www.orchardcorset.com
Papercats Corsets: www.papercatscorsets.pl
Pixel Strix: www.etsy.com/shop/pixelstrix
Raven Market: www.ravenmarket.pl
Rebel Madness: www.rebelmadness.pl
Red Selena: www.etsy.com/shop/RedSelena
Royal Black Couture & Corsetry: www.royalblack.at
Timeless Trends: www.timeless-trends.com
True Corset: www.truecorset.com
Trickery: www.trickery.com.au
Twisted Apparel: www.twistedappareluk.com
Lady Sloth: ladysloth.storenvy.com
Lovely Rat's Corsetry: www.lovelyrats.com
Wonderland Couture: www.facebook.com/wonderlandmc
V-Couture: www.v-couture.de